DUI Attorney Kessler Wrote the Book on DUI in Florida
Attorney Kessler is the author of the Florida section of The DUI Book – Florida Edition – the definitive text on Florida DUI law and DUI defense. (The book’s general section was written by nationally acclaimed DUI lawyer William C. Head.)
The DUI Book explains in plain, simple, easily understandable English the ins and outs of DUI in Florida. The book describes Florida’s legal processes and procedures pertaining to DUI, and provides straightforward answers to questions about DUI in Florida.
The DUI Book explains in plain, simple, easily understandable English the ins and outs of DUI in Florida. The book describes Florida’s legal processes and procedures pertaining to DUI, and provides straightforward answers to questions about DUI in Florida.
The DUI Book is no substitute for having a licensed, experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated DUI defense attorney. It is, however, a helpful guide that you will find useful if you are charged with DUI in the state of Florida.
Read excerpts from The DUI Book
How to Purchase The DUI Book
To order The DUI Book, Florida Edition, by renowned Florida DUI Attorney Michael Kessler, at $99 per copy, contact the Kessler Law Office directly by phone at 772-466-4900.